Wenzheng Tao

University of Utah


Wenzheng’s Bio

I am currently a 4th-year undergraduate in EE & CS at Shanghai Jiaotong University, and I am also a member of IIOT (Intelligent Internet of Things) Lab.

My courses focused on Control Alogrithms besides basis in CS & EE. My research interests are in Machine Learning, Data Analytics and Internet of Things.

I spent my most productive time in IIOT with Prof. Xinbing Wang, working on scholarly network analytics : Acemap. My recent research topics lie in topic model, artificial neural network and recommander system.

I am looking for a Ph.D position in 2018. It is very useful for me to experience the Ph.D life in advance, which enhances me the resolution for it.

This website starts from here.


Name : Wenzheng Tao (陶文政)
Univ: Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China
Major: Automation Engineering
Minor: Economy and Accountancy
Email: wenzheng.tao@utah.edu
Mobile:  +(86) 182-1756-5771

Projects: GITHUB of WeeenZh
Linkedin: Linkedin of Wenzheng
ResearchGate: ResearchGate of Wenzheng

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